5 OKR examples for Cost Reduction

Writing good OKRs can be hard, especially if it's your first time doing it. You'll need to center the focus of your plans around outcomes instead of projects.

We have curated a selection of OKR examples specifically for Cost Reduction to assist you. Feel free to explore the templates below for inspiration in setting your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

Your quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly in order to get all the benefits of the OKRs framework.

Spreadsheets are enough to get started. Then, once you need to scale you can use a proper OKRs-tracking platform to make things easier.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Cost Reduction OKRs templates

The examples have Cost Reduction Objectives and Key Results, but they may also include the tasks that can help you get there.

OKRs to optimize IT costs by reducing expenses by 20%

  • ObjectiveReduce IT expenses by 20%
  • Key ResultAnalyze previous quarter expenses and identify areas for cost reduction
  • TaskDetermine cost-saving opportunities
  • TaskIdentify spending patterns
  • TaskReview expenses
  • TaskImplement cost reduction measures
  • Key ResultEducate employees on cost-saving practices and enforce IT policies
  • TaskRegularly remind staff of cost-cutting policies
  • TaskContain training sessions for IT policy adoption
  • TaskMonitor employee compliance with IT policies and address non-compliance
  • TaskHold information sessions about cost-saving practices
  • Key ResultNegotiate with vendors for better pricing
  • TaskResearch vendor's competitors and their rates
  • TaskHighlight your previous purchasing history with them
  • TaskOffer to sign a long-term contract for a discount
  • TaskAsk for a volume discount based on the forecasted quantity
  • Key ResultImplement solutions and track savings
  • TaskIdentify opportunities for cost reduction
  • TaskImplement cost-saving solutions
  • TaskTrack and report realized savings
  • TaskPrioritize solutions based on potential savings
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to optimize CPA by reducing it by 15%

  • ObjectiveDecrease CPA by 15%
  • Key ResultIdentify and pause underperforming campaigns
  • TaskPause or adjust campaigns that consistently underperform benchmarks
  • TaskReview campaign performance metrics
  • TaskDetermine performance benchmarks for each campaign
  • TaskCompare benchmarks to current campaign performance
  • Key ResultOptimize landing pages for higher conversion rates
  • TaskIncrease page load speed by optimizing images and minimizing text
  • TaskSimplify form fields and reduce the number of required inputs
  • TaskConduct A/B testing to determine optimal page layout
  • TaskCreate clear call-to-action button with contrasting color and placement
  • Key ResultPerform a comprehensive audit of current campaigns
  • TaskReview campaign goals and success metrics
  • TaskEvaluate ad copy and creative effectiveness
  • TaskAnalyze audience targeting and segmentation
  • TaskAssess budget allocation and ROI
  • Key ResultIncrease bids on top-performing campaigns
  • TaskMonitor campaign performance to evaluate the effectiveness of bid increases
  • TaskIdentify top-performing campaigns
  • TaskImplement bid increases on identified campaigns
  • TaskAnalyze performance data to determine bid increase percentage

OKRs to reduce overall IT expenditure per employee

  • ObjectiveReduce overall IT expenditure per employee
  • Key ResultDecrease hardware renewal cost by 20%
  • TaskIdentify and eliminate unnecessary hardware assets
  • TaskImplement preventative maintenance strategies on existing hardware
  • TaskNegotiate better contracts with hardware vendors
  • Key ResultImplement software use audits to identify 15% cost-saving opportunities
  • TaskIdentify key software used in organization operations
  • TaskAnalyze audit findings to identify cost-saving opportunities
  • TaskDevelop and implement a software auditing process
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% reduction in IT service contractor expenses
  • TaskExplore cheaper alternatives or in-house solutions for IT services
  • TaskEvaluate current IT service contracts for potential cost-saving opportunities
  • TaskNegotify renegotiations or cancellations of costly contracts

OKRs to increase annual revenue to $30 million

  • ObjectiveIncrease annual revenue to $30 million
  • Key ResultImprove operating efficiency by reducing overhead costs by 10%
  • TaskNegotiate with vendors and suppliers to secure better pricing and/or discounts on necessary materials and services
  • TaskImplement technology solutions or automation tools to streamline operations and reduce manual effort
  • TaskConduct a thorough review of all overhead expenses and identify areas for cost reduction
  • TaskStreamline processes and eliminate any unnecessary steps or redundancies in operations
  • Key ResultIncrease sales volume by 15% compared to the previous quarter
  • TaskTrain sales team on effective sales techniques and provide ongoing support and motivation
  • TaskIdentify target market and create targeted marketing campaign to attract new customers
  • TaskImplement a customer loyalty program to encourage repeat purchases and increase customer retention
  • TaskCollaborate with suppliers to negotiate bulk discounts and lower costs to maximize profit margins
  • Key ResultExpand trading operations to three new markets
  • TaskConduct market research to identify potential markets for expansion
  • TaskEstablish partnerships or collaborations with local partners in the target markets
  • TaskDevelop a strategic plan for entering new markets, including budgeting and resource allocation
  • TaskImplement marketing and advertising campaigns to raise awareness and attract customers in new markets
  • Key ResultAchieve a customer retention rate of 90% or higher

OKRs to boost the overall sales in the upcoming quarter

  • ObjectiveBoost the overall sales in the upcoming quarter
  • Key ResultGrow the customer base by 20% resulting in increased purchases
  • TaskImprove product offerings to stimulate higher demand
  • TaskLaunch targeted marketing campaigns to attract new customers
  • TaskImplement a referral program to incentivize existing customers
  • Key ResultReduce operational costs by 15% to increase net income
  • TaskReview and analyze current operational expenses
  • TaskImplement cost-reduction strategies across operations
  • TaskIdentify cost-saving opportunities in processes
  • Key ResultImplement a new upselling strategy to enhance average transaction value by 10%
  • TaskMonitor and track sales data to assess strategy effectiveness
  • TaskTrain sales team to effectively execute the new upselling strategy
  • TaskDevelop a new upselling strategy targeting high-value products or services

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.