24 OKR examples for Team Leaders

OKRs are quickly gaining popularity as a goal-setting framework. But, it's not always easy to know how to write your goals, especially if it's your first time using OKRs.

To aid you in setting your goals, we have compiled a collection of OKR examples customized for Team Leaders. Take a look at the templates below for inspiration and guidance.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read more about the OKR meaning online.

Best practices for OKR

Your objectives should be ambitious, but achievable. Your key results should be measurable and time-bound. It can also be helfpul to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Building your own OKRs with AI

While we have some examples below, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. There are 2 options available to you.

- Use our free OKRs generator
- Use Tability, a complete platform to set and track OKRs and initiatives – including a GPT-4 powered goal generator

How to track OKRs

The rules of OKRs are simple. Quarterly OKRs should be tracked weekly, and yearly OKRs should be tracked monthly.

We recommend using a spreadsheet for your first OKRs cycle. You'll need to get familiar with the scoring and tracking first. Then, you can scale your OKRs process by using a proper OKRs-tracking tool for it.

We recommend Tability for an easy way to set and track OKRs with your team.

Check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

Team Leaders OKRs templates

You'll find below a list of Objectives and Key Results for Team Leaders.

OKRs to enhance collaboration and stimulate thought leadership

  • ObjectiveEnhance collaboration and stimulate thought leadership
  • Key ResultConduct 4 leadership training workshops to foster thought leadership
  • TaskIdentify topics and designing the content for the leadership workshops
  • TaskCoordinate with facilitators and arranging the necessary resources
  • TaskSend invitations and schedule the four leadership training workshops
  • Key ResultImplement 5 successful cross-functional projects to boost team collaborations
  • TaskDevelop clear communication guidelines and timelines
  • TaskIdentify and assign cross-functional team members for each project
  • TaskEstablish metrics for success and regular progress checks
  • Key ResultIncrease the average audience engagement rate on team discussions by 20%
  • TaskImplement interactive activities during team discussions
  • TaskIncorporate feedback sessions post-discussions
  • TaskProvide comprehensive training for engagement techniques
Turn OKRs into a Strategy Map

OKRs to enhance managerial skills and leadership qualities

  • ObjectiveEnhance managerial skills and leadership qualities
  • Key ResultComplete 2 relevant professional development courses
  • TaskFinish and submit all assignments or tests for course completion
  • TaskEnroll and actively participate in the selected courses
  • TaskIdentify 2 professional development courses relevant to your role
  • Key ResultReceive positive feedback from 75% of team members
  • TaskActively address issues and concerns raised by the team
  • TaskImplement a system for collecting team members' feedback
  • TaskConduct regular team meetings to discuss improvements and goals
  • Key ResultImprove team productivity by 20%
  • TaskEncourage continuous training and skill development
  • TaskSimplify workflow processes to reduce inefficiencies
  • TaskImplement regular team building exercises to boost morale

OKRs to improve leadership skills and knowledge

  • ObjectiveEnhance Leadership Skills and Knowledge
  • Key ResultApply leadership principles by successfully leading a high-impact project or team
  • TaskDelegate responsibilities based on individual strengths to optimize efficiency and productivity
  • TaskSet clear goals and objectives for the project or team
  • TaskFoster a positive and inclusive team culture, promoting collaboration and celebrating achievements
  • TaskCommunicate effectively and regularly with the team to ensure alignment and progress
  • Key ResultEngage in regular mentoring or coaching sessions to receive guidance and feedback on leadership development
  • TaskSet up regular mentoring/coaching sessions with a trusted leader or professional coach
  • TaskImplement the advice and recommendations received during mentoring/coaching sessions into daily leadership practices
  • TaskPrepare questions or topics to discuss during mentoring/coaching sessions on leadership development
  • TaskActively listen and take notes during mentoring/coaching sessions to absorb guidance and feedback
  • Key ResultComplete a leadership training course covering key leadership principles and strategies
  • TaskEnroll in the chosen leadership training course and schedule all required sessions
  • TaskApply learned leadership principles and strategies in daily work and reflect on their effectiveness
  • TaskResearch and find a suitable leadership training course with key principles
  • TaskActively participate in the leadership training course, taking notes and engaging with instructors
  • Key ResultAcquire at least three new leadership books and read them to gain further insight
  • TaskAllocate dedicated time each day to read at least one chapter from the books
  • TaskResearch and compile a list of highly recommended leadership books
  • TaskPurchase three leadership books from the compiled list
  • TaskTake notes and jot down key insights or lessons learned from each book

OKRs to improve development team productivity

  • ObjectiveIncrease development team productivity
  • Key ResultReduce average time taken to complete development tasks by 20%
  • TaskProvide developers with necessary training and resources to enhance productivity
  • TaskImplement agile development methodologies and prioritize tasks based on importance
  • TaskEncourage open communication and collaboration among team members to expedite task completion
  • TaskIdentify bottlenecks in the development process to streamline efficiency
  • Key ResultImprove unit test coverage by 10% for critical components
  • Key ResultReduce the number of production bugs reported by customers by 25%
  • TaskConduct regular code reviews to identify and fix potential bugs before deployment
  • TaskImplement automated unit testing for critical components and frequently executed code
  • TaskIncrease the frequency of software releases to address and resolve issues more promptly
  • TaskImprove communication channels with customers to encourage reporting and capturing of bugs
  • Key ResultIncrease code review completion rate by 15%
  • TaskSchedule regular team meetings to discuss and address code review concerns
  • TaskProvide comprehensive and concise code review guidelines for reviewers
  • TaskEncourage timely and constructive feedback during code review discussions
  • TaskImplement a clear and streamlined code review process

OKRs to reinstate Intel's victorious culture and unify its talent pool

  • ObjectiveReinstate Intel's victorious culture and unify its talent pool
  • Key ResultImplement a quarterly team-building activity to foster unity among 95% of employees
  • TaskIdentify various team-building activities suitable for all employees
  • TaskMonitor employee participation, aiming for 95% involvement
  • TaskEstablish a scheduling and communication plan for activities
  • Key ResultIncrease talent retention rate to 90% through effective incentive programs
  • TaskImplement annual employee feedback surveys
  • TaskDevelop a comprehensive incentive program to reward employee performance
  • TaskProvide regular career development opportunities
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% increase in internal promotion rate, strengthening our talent base
  • TaskCreate opportunities for internal growth and advancement
  • TaskImplement training programs to enrich employee skills and performance
  • TaskRegularly review and adjust promotion criteria

OKRs to strengthen team communication for remote workers utilizing Slack

  • ObjectiveStrengthen team communication for remote workers utilizing Slack
  • Key ResultEnhance clarity of messages through a 15% decrease in miscommunication
  • TaskDevelop a standardized communication framework with clear guidelines for effective messaging
  • TaskConduct regular trainings and workshops on active listening and verbal/non-verbal communication
  • TaskImplement a feedback system to address and resolve any miscommunication promptly
  • TaskEncourage the use of visual aids or diagrams to supplement written or spoken communication
  • Key ResultIncrease the utilization of Slack's collaboration features by 30%
  • TaskCreate and distribute a comprehensive guide highlighting Slack's collaboration features
  • TaskEncourage team leaders to incorporate Slack's collaboration tools into their daily workflows
  • TaskRegularly share success stories and best practices of utilizing Slack's collaboration tools
  • TaskHost training sessions to teach employees how to effectively utilize Slack's collaboration features
  • Key ResultImprove participation in team channels by at least 25%
  • TaskProvide ongoing training and resources on effective communication to support increased participation
  • TaskImplement a daily reminder to encourage team members to actively participate in channels
  • TaskShare success stories of active participants to inspire and motivate others to join in
  • TaskOrganize regular team challenges to promote engagement and increase participation in channels
  • Key ResultIncrease average response time on Slack by 20%
  • TaskProvide regular training and guidance on effective and efficient communication practices
  • TaskAnalyze response time data to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement
  • TaskImplement productivity tools and shortcuts to streamline communication and reduce response time
  • TaskEncourage team members to adopt time management techniques to prioritize and respond promptly

OKRs to enhance career growth of junior team members through mentorship

  • ObjectiveEnhance career growth of junior team members through mentorship
  • Key ResultImprove junior team members' project completion rate by 20%
  • TaskProvide constructive feedback and guidance frequently
  • TaskEstablish a mentorship program within the team
  • TaskImplement regular hands-on training sessions for junior team members
  • Key ResultConduct weekly personalized training sessions for each junior team member
  • TaskIdentify individual training needs for every junior team member
  • TaskDedicate time to execute training sessions weekly
  • TaskDevelop weekly personalized training plans
  • Key ResultAchieve a 15% increase in junior team members assuming leadership roles in projects
  • TaskImplement leadership training programs for junior team members
  • TaskCreate opportunities for mentorship from senior leaders
  • TaskDelegate more responsibilities to promising junior members

OKRs to establish Conditions for Fast Decision-Making Processes

  • ObjectiveEstablish Conditions for Fast Decision-Making Processes
  • Key ResultImplement a decision-making framework in at least 3 departments
  • TaskIdentify 3 departments for framework installation
  • TaskDevelop a suitable decision-making framework
  • TaskTrain department heads on the new framework
  • Key ResultDecrease average decision-making time by 20%
  • TaskImplement streamlined decision-making procedures
  • TaskConduct training sessions on efficient decision making
  • TaskAdopt computerized decision support systems
  • Key ResultTrain 75% of team leaders on the new decision-making framework
  • TaskIdentify team leaders needing training on the new framework
  • TaskConduct and monitor training to ensure 75% participation
  • TaskDevelop a flexible schedule for training sessions

OKRs to boost employee satisfaction post-adaptation

  • ObjectiveBoost employee satisfaction post-adaptation
  • Key ResultIncrease participation in adaptation-related activities by 70%
  • TaskCreate significant rewards for active engagement in adaptation-related activities
  • TaskDevelop motivational training programs for participants in these activities
  • TaskImprove visibility of these activities through advertising and social media campaigns
  • Key ResultAchieve 90% positive responses in post-change satisfaction surveys
  • TaskImplement comprehensive training for new procedures
  • TaskSurvey employees before, during, after change
  • TaskProvide clear communication surrounding change
  • Key ResultReduce workplace complaints related to adaptation by 40%
  • TaskCreate a robust employee feedback system
  • TaskEnhance company-wide communication channels
  • TaskImplement regular team-building exercises and workshops

OKRs to improve team performance through effective teamwork and collaboration

  • ObjectiveImprove team performance through effective teamwork and collaboration
  • Key ResultReduce conflicts within the team by 50% by implementing conflict resolution strategies
  • TaskEncourage active listening and empathy among team members during conflicts
  • TaskEstablish a clear communication protocol to address conflicts promptly
  • TaskImplement a mentorship program to provide guidance and support during conflict resolution
  • TaskConduct a team-wide conflict resolution training session
  • Key ResultDevelop team members' skills by organizing at least two team-building workshops focused on enhancing collaboration and problem-solving abilities
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 20% through enhanced communication and coordination
  • TaskProvide effective communication tools and train team members on how to use them
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and goals
  • TaskEncourage collaboration by assigning cross-functional projects and fostering teamwork
  • TaskDevelop a centralized system for task tracking, deadlines, and accountability
  • Key ResultEnhance employee satisfaction and engagement by achieving an average team happiness score of 8 out of 10
  • TaskImplement employee recognition programs to celebrate achievements and boost team morale
  • TaskAnalyze survey results to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted action plans
  • TaskProvide regular opportunities for employee feedback and implement suggestions for enhancing happiness
  • TaskConduct quarterly employee satisfaction surveys to measure team happiness score

OKRs to improve software development team leadership effectiveness

  • ObjectiveImprove software development team leadership effectiveness
  • Key ResultImprove team efficiency by implementing agile practices and metrics to track progress
  • TaskConduct training on Agile practices and ensure all team members understand the principles
  • TaskImplement regular stand-up meetings to enhance communication, identify obstacles, and resolve them promptly
  • TaskUtilize Agile metrics like velocity and burndown charts to track progress and optimize productivity
  • TaskEstablish clear goals and prioritize tasks using Agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban
  • Key ResultFoster effective communication and collaboration within the team to drive successful project delivery
  • TaskPromote cross-functional collaboration by assigning individuals from different departments to work together
  • TaskUtilize project management tools and software to streamline communication and document sharing
  • TaskImplement regular team meetings to discuss project updates, challenges, and opportunities
  • TaskEncourage open and honest communication to foster a collaborative and trusting environment
  • Key ResultIncrease team satisfaction and engagement through regular feedback and recognition
  • Key ResultEnhance technical skills by facilitating ongoing training programs and knowledge sharing sessions

OKRs to improve Arbor's inclusivity

  • ObjectiveImprove Arbor's inclusivity
  • Key ResultConduct diversity training for all employees
  • TaskCommunicate training details and expectations to all staff
  • TaskSchedule training sessions for all employees
  • TaskIdentify a well-recognized diversity training program or consultant
  • Key ResultImplement two new inclusive policies or initiatives company-wide
  • TaskDevelop two new inclusive policies or initiatives
  • TaskIdentify areas needing inclusivity improvement within the company
  • TaskLaunch and communicate these policies company-wide
  • Key ResultIncrease diversity representation in leadership roles by 10%
  • TaskImplement mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all staff members
  • TaskActively recruit diverse candidates for leadership roles
  • TaskDevelop targeted leadership programs for underrepresented employees

OKRs to enhance feedback system for increased 360, recurring and upward feedback

  • ObjectiveEnhance feedback system for increased 360, recurring and upward feedback
  • Key ResultAchieve 75% participation rate in upward feedback sessions every month
  • TaskDevelop engaging and accessible feedback sessions
  • TaskImplement incentives for session participation
  • TaskRegularly communicate the importance of participation
  • Key ResultIncrease the frequency of feedback session to twice a month
  • TaskTrain staff to give effective feedback
  • TaskEstablish clear feedback session guidelines
  • TaskSchedule regular bi-monthly feedback sessions
  • Key ResultImplement a monthly 360 feedback system for all team members by end of Q2
  • TaskTrain team members on feedback system usage
  • TaskDevelop a feedback schedule for all team members
  • TaskResearch and choose an appropriate 360-degree feedback tool

OKRs to elevate programming skills to become a senior programmer

  • ObjectiveElevate programming skills to become a senior programmer
  • Key ResultObtain proficiency in at least three advanced programming languages
  • TaskParticipate in coding challenges or hackathons to apply and showcase your proficiency
  • TaskPractice coding regularly to strengthen your skills in advanced programming languages
  • TaskCollaborate with experienced programmers or join forums to gain insights and guidance
  • TaskEnroll in online courses or tutorials to learn advanced programming languages
  • Key ResultLead the successful completion of a complex software development project
  • TaskDefine clear project goals, deliverables, and timeline with the project team
  • TaskFoster effective communication and collaboration among team members throughout the project
  • TaskRegularly monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive steps to mitigate risks
  • TaskIdentify and allocate appropriate resources to each phase of the software development project
  • Key ResultRegularly receive positive feedback and recognition from team members and supervisors
  • TaskFoster a positive team environment by recognizing and appreciating the achievements of team members
  • TaskContinue to improve skills and performance to enhance the likelihood of receiving positive feedback
  • TaskAcknowledge and express gratitude for positive feedback and recognition received from others
  • TaskActively seek feedback from team members and supervisors on a regular basis
  • Key ResultMentor and guide junior programmers to enhance their technical abilities

OKRs to boost HR effectiveness in facilitating organization and people growth

  • ObjectiveBoost HR effectiveness in facilitating organization and people growth
  • Key ResultIncrease employee retention rate by 20%
  • TaskEnhance company benefits and compensation packages
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive employee development and training program
  • TaskIncrease regular feedback and recognition sessions
  • Key ResultDecrease average hiring process time by 15%
  • TaskEstablish a structured, efficient onboarding process
  • TaskStreamline interview scheduling with automated tools
  • TaskImplement standardised skill-based assessments
  • Key ResultUpgrade leadership development programs benefiting 30% of employees
  • TaskSource and hire professional development consultants
  • TaskConduct survey to identify areas for leadership program improvement
  • TaskImplement program changes based on consultant feedback

OKRs to support CEO in executing strategic initiatives and tracking progress

  • ObjectiveEnhance CEO's support for executing the company's strategic initiatives
  • Key ResultConduct regular progress reports and adjust strategies accordingly
  • Key ResultCollaborate with CEO to ensure high-quality strategic execution
  • Key ResultImprove CEO's communication with cross-functional teams
  • Key ResultDevelop a tracking system for CEO's strategic initiatives

OKRs to deliver projects on time

  • ObjectiveTimely Project Delivery
  • Key ResultIncrease team productivity by 15% with time management techniques
  • Key ResultReduce project turnaround time by 20%
  • Key ResultImplement Agile project management methodologies for better time tracking
  • Key ResultSuccessfully meet every project milestone

OKRs to enhance cross-functional collaboration and communication

  • ObjectiveImprove cross-functional communication and collaboration
  • Key ResultIncrease cross-functional team meeting attendance by 50%
  • Key ResultDecrease email response time by 25%
  • Key ResultLaunch a company-wide collaboration platform with 100% adoption
  • Key ResultConduct 3 cross-functional team building activities with a participation rate of 90%

OKRs to achieve promotion to software engineer 3

  • ObjectiveAchieve promotion to software engineer 3
  • Key ResultComplete advanced software development certification
  • Key ResultMentor and provide guidance to junior software engineers
  • TaskSchedule regular one-on-one meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and career goals
  • TaskOffer constructive feedback and actionable suggestions for improvement on their code
  • TaskActively involve them in meaningful projects to gain real-world experience and build confidence
  • TaskProvide resources and recommend learning opportunities to enhance their technical skills
  • Key ResultReceive positive performance reviews from team members and supervisors
  • TaskRegularly check in with team members and supervisors to receive feedback and updates
  • TaskActively listen to team members and supervisors, and address any concerns or suggestions
  • TaskSet clear and measurable goals with team members and supervisors
  • TaskContinuously improve skills and knowledge through training and professional development opportunities
  • Key ResultDeliver three high-impact software projects successfully
  • TaskImplement effective project management methodologies to ensure efficient coordination and communication
  • TaskDefine clear project goals, timelines, and deliverables for each software project
  • TaskAssemble a skilled and dedicated team with the necessary expertise for each project
  • TaskRegularly monitor and evaluate progress, making adjustments as needed to meet project objectives

OKRs to secure partnerships with strategic industry leaders to drive business growth

  • ObjectiveEstablish key partnerships to drive growth
  • Key ResultIdentify and prioritize potential partners based on revenue and market share
  • Key ResultTrack the success of each partnership by setting clear KPIs and regularly measuring progress
  • Key ResultDevelop a compelling pitch deck and present to at least 10 potential partners
  • Key ResultSign partnership agreements with at least 3 of the identified partners

OKRs to ascend to a prominent leadership position within the company

  • ObjectiveAscend to a prominent leadership position within the company
  • Key ResultLead a cross-functional project showcasing collaboration and leadership acumen
  • TaskFoster teamwork through regular meetings and progress updates
  • TaskIdentify and assign responsibilities to cross-functional project team members
  • TaskDevelop and communicate project goals and timelines to all stakeholders
  • Key ResultComplete advanced management training course to enhance leadership skills
  • TaskEnroll in a suitable advanced management training course
  • TaskDiligently participate in all course sessions and activities
  • TaskImplement learned leadership strategies in daily management practices
  • Key ResultExceed current KPIs by 20% to showcase potential for greater responsibility
  • TaskImplement and track progressive success of strategy
  • TaskReview and analyze current KPIs performance
  • TaskDevelop a strategy to boost efficiency by 20%

OKRs to establish leadership in the AI industry

  • ObjectiveEstablish leadership in the AI industry
  • Key ResultAchieve a customer satisfaction score of 90% by delivering excellent AI solutions
  • TaskContinuously monitor AI solution performance and address any customer concerns promptly
  • TaskImplement training programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of AI solution teams
  • TaskAnalyze survey data to identify areas for improvement in AI solution delivery
  • TaskConduct regular customer surveys to gather feedback on AI solution performance
  • Key ResultObtain at least two prestigious industry awards as recognition for AI leadership
  • TaskExecute AI projects with excellence and innovation to qualify for industry awards
  • TaskIdentify prestigious industry awards for AI leadership
  • TaskSubmit high-quality nominations for AI leadership awards and engage in networking opportunities
  • TaskStrategize and plan AI initiatives and projects for award-worthy achievements
  • Key ResultIncrease market share by 20% through aggressive marketing and strategic partnerships
  • Key ResultImprove employee expertise through targeted training programs, resulting in a 15% increase in technical skills
  • TaskDevelop tailored training programs to address identified skill gaps
  • TaskImplement regular training sessions with hands-on exercises and practical application
  • TaskAssess current employee skill levels and identify areas of improvement
  • TaskEvaluate and measure employee progress through assessments and feedback sessions

OKRs to secure the buy-in from the leadership of the 5 MAYD clusters on our strategy

  • ObjectiveSecure the buy-in from the leadership of the 5 MAYD clusters on our strategy
  • Key ResultConduct 5 customized persuasive presentations for each MAYD cluster's leadership
  • TaskCreate compelling graphics and content for five presentations
  • TaskIdentify key points for each MAYD cluster's personalized presentation
  • TaskSchedule and conduct the presentations for each cluster's leadership
  • Key ResultSecure formal written agreement from at least 4 of the 5 cluster heads on strategy
  • TaskSend drafted agreement to the 5 cluster heads
  • TaskDraft detailed strategy agreement for cluster head approval
  • TaskFollow up for signatures of at least 4 heads
  • Key ResultOutline benefits and get a 75% positive initial feedback from MAYD cluster heads
  • TaskConduct survey to gauge initial feedback
  • TaskIdentify and list benefits of MAYD cluster heads
  • TaskPrepare comprehensive presentation highlighting benefits

OKRs to seek and secure a leadership role within the company

  • ObjectiveSeek and secure a leadership role within the company
  • Key ResultObtain cross-functional training in at least two other departments
  • TaskIdentify two departments to receive cross-functional training in
  • TaskRequest cross-functional training approval from respective department heads
  • TaskBegin scheduled training sessions with selected departments
  • Key ResultImplement a feedback system for continuous learning and leadership growth
  • TaskIdentify key performance indicators for leadership qualities
  • TaskEducate leaders on interpreting and applying feedback
  • TaskDesign a system for regular performance feedback
  • Key ResultLead a high-impact project related to key business objectives
  • TaskIdentify key business objectives and project alignment
  • TaskDevelop, execute and monitor a high-impact project plan
  • TaskAssemble a high-performing, cross-functional team

More OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.